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Jewish Youth Promise

Join thousands of other young people in signing the Jewish Youth Promise. Help strengthen the Jewish people and Israel in your own way.


About the Jewish Youth Promise


The Jewish Youth Promise (JYP) asks Jewish teens and young adults around the globe to commit to being active, contributing members of the Jewish community throughout their lives.


The Promise aims to ignite a surge in Jewish pride that will equip the Jewish youth, ages 13 to 24, with the confidence to contribute to a strong Jewish future. JYP acts as a bridge, guiding youth towards a lifelong journey of Jewish commitment and involvement.

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What does the Jewish Youth Promise say?


"I hereby promise to act today and throughout my lifetime to strengthen the Jewish people and Israel. I make this commitment because I have a responsibility to ensure that my generation writes the next chapter of the Jewish story and remains a strong link in the chain of generations."


What is the difference between the Jewish Youth Promise and the Jewish Future Promise?


The Jewish Youth Promise encourages Jewish teens and young adults, ages 13-24, to take active roles in leading and contributing to the Jewish community.


The Jewish Future Promise focuses on Jews and allies 25 and older, promising that if any charitable contributions are made upon passing, whether that be $10 or $10 million, at least 50% will be allocated to Jewish causes and/or the State of Israel. The Promise is a moral commitment, not a legal one, and in the current climate, it is more critical than ever for the Jewish community to unite in support of itself and Israel.


‍Both Promises encourage sharing conversations, stories, and values with others about why the Jewish future matters. To learn more about the Jewish Future Promise, click here.

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