Introducing Orly Golub, the Emory Mensch of the Week! Orly is Co-President of Hillel and is studying Political Science.
What is your favorite holiday or tradition?
My favorite Jewish holiday is Passover, because I have really amazing memories of HUGE seders with 50+ members of my extended family. My seders have gotten a little bit smaller over the years, but they're always lively and we have fun traditions that always make me so happy.
What is your favorite memory at Hillel?
I can count so many amazing Shabbats spent at Hillel, but the Hillel memory I am most grateful for is a Winter Break mission trip to do hurricane cleanup in Houston (my hometown). This trip first introduced me to Hillel as a freshman, led me to join the Student Board beginning my sophomore year, and gave me my best friends here at Emory.
What is something people would be surprised to learn about you?
Unless you're fluent in Hebrew, you might not know that my name means "my light," or "light of my life!"